How to use magic wand tool pixlr
How to use magic wand tool pixlr

how to use magic wand tool pixlr

The two sampling modes dictate which pixels will be sampled or tested to determine how far the selection extends.

how to use magic wand tool pixlr

These modes are shared by the Magic Wand Tool, Paint Bucket and Color Picker tools (shown below). The Magic Wand Tool has two sampling modes, Image and Layer. Magic Wand Tool Tolerance: 31%. The selection properly captures the area of interest (the sky), no more, no less. Magic Wand Tool Tolerance: 50%. The selection captures all of the sky, but also some of the water and other elements in the photo. Magic Wand Tool Tolerance: 25%. The selection captures most of the sky, but not all. The tolerance is too low. Global - the selection will extend to all the pixels in the layer which satisfy the Tolerance setting. Flood modesĬontiguous - the selection will continue to bleed outwards from the click point until neighboring pixels fail to satisfy the Tolerance setting. The Magic Wand Tool shares the same two flood modes as the Paint Bucket Tool: Contiguous and Global. To find out more about these selection modes, visit this page Selection Modes. There are five selection modes. These dictate how subsequent selections interact with any existing selection.Įach mode has an associated keyboard shortcut for ease of access. Of course, there are several options which expand and alter the default behavior. These can be found in the Tool Bar. In most situations, to select a single continuous area with the Magic Wand Tool, simply click on it. It is easiest to think of the Magic Wand Tool s behavior as similar to the Paint Bucket, except that instead of filling an area with color the Magic Wand Tool selects it. The Magic Wand Tool allows areas of similar color to be selected. The region to be selected may be a single continuous shape or multiple separate areas.

how to use magic wand tool pixlr

If your goal is to cut out an area so that you have a transparent background behind it, remember that you will want to paste your image into a transparent canvas as a new layer *before* you start cutting anything out.Revision Date: 14 April 2021 Magic Wand Tool A note about transparency For this second example, I didn't use a transparent background. I've cut out the monument and isolated it.

how to use magic wand tool pixlr

Initially, the magic wand only picked up some of that sky, but multiple clicks pretty easily got me to the point where I had selected all of it - and isolated the monument. I chose to cut the area I had selected - the area outside the monument - out of the image. I start with one click of the magic wand. I clicked the sky area outside the monument a few times more while holding down the shift key and was able to select all of the area *outside* of the monument. Using the magic wand with shaded backgrounds Similarly, real-world images like the monument I've included here that have a relatively simple composition with straightforward shading can be easily cut out. I could then copy and paste into another image if that's my goal. The area selected is outlined with flashing pixels. If I choose to cut the area out with a simple "Cut" command, I have the robot all by itself. One click with the magic wand, and I've selected the entire area outside of the robot. I started by opening a blank, transparent canvas and pasting the Instructables robot into it as a layer. Using the magic wand with illustrations, logos, and simple photos The easiest images to alter are ones like the illustration of the Instructables robot, which is basically a collection of flat colors with very clear outlines. As I did, hold down the shift key as you click to add more areas (pixels) to your selection. Once you begin using the magic wand, you may decide you need to combine additional flashing outline areas to your overall selection. Adjust tolerance down to make your magic wand pickier about choosing the area you want to cut out. Adjust the tolerance up to make the magic wand select pixels that are even more like the one you're clicking on. Hit the delete key or choose Cut from the Edit menu to delete selected areas.Īdjusting the magic wand What the magic wand is doing is looking at the overall photo and choosing pixels that are similar to the one you're clicking on.Hold down the shift key to add more areas to your selection (if needed).The magic wand will outline the area selected with flashing dotted lines. Select the magic wand tool from the toolbar.You've got nothing to lose and an undo button with you at all times.

How to use magic wand tool pixlr